Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Talking Tools

I swear as I walked past my tools they called to me. They said "cut some wood" "come-on, forget responcibility and come play!".

LOL, I need double long days to be able to work AND have time for projects. With both me and the hubby BOTH having to take pay cuts (thank you furlough days for the State workers, grrrr) we are thinking we may not be able to swing Christmas presents for everyone.....

then again this could work in my favor. Since we can't afford lots of gifts or gift cards, perhaps I can suggest a wooden present. I can take one large piece of wood (not too expensive for just one piece) and make lots of small presents for the family. Like personalized ornaments. I know we will be the lame siblings/aunt and uncle, son and daughter for lame cheapo gifts, but we can't afford much. But homemade cookies, fudge or truffles in a homemade wood box....it would seem nicer than it is right?